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USAV 2001-2002 Official Volleyball 
Rules-Modified (Indoor)
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Big Rule Changes 2001-2002

1. Teams to End lines. Teams to end line only at beginning and end of MATCH.
2. Libero. Libero is designated per GAME, instead of per match.
3. Timeouts.  Teams may remain on the court during timeouts.  Coaches may not enter the court.
4. Adjacent Court Rule. The "adjacent court" rule does not include extensions of the court lines.

Big Rule Differences vs. NAGWS

1. Beckon for Service across chest vs. over the head. 
2. End of play signal technique is :  whistle; next serving team, fault vs. whistle; fault; point for team winning the rally.  USA & NAGWS:  {Sideout Signal no longer used.   (Sideout terminology no longer relevant, "loss of rally")}
3. 1 Libero per game + 12 subs, vs. 18 subs. No Libero, unlimited individual player entries.
4. No pursuit rule "Pursuit Rule" for balls passing completely outside antenna vs. "Pursuit Rule" for balls passing completely outside antenna in play and may be returned to court outside antenna)
5. USA Scoresheet (FIVB based, Free) vs. NAGWS Scoresheet (modified 'Old' USA Sheet - $15.00).

Rule Changes and Clarifications

Rule 1.1.2 Deleted. This rule addressed Open Championship Competition only. The FIVB requirements are modified for administrative purposes.  NOTE: A waiver was granted for 2000-2001.

Rule 2.4 Commentary - Net heights for age groups.  [ADD] 13 years and under 7’4 1/8"

Rule 4.1.2  Deleted. The Libero is now an integral part of the Game and is no longer an option.

Rule The captain must exercise his/her right to submit an official protest prior to the next service during play, within sixty (60) seconds of the official end of the game, or before the referees leave the playing area at the end of a match.  [See also Rule 26.2.3]

[Rule text].  …the captain may speak to the Referees to:  Ask for an explanation of the application or interpretation of the Rules and also to submit to the appropriate referee any requests or questions of teammates. If the explanation is not satisfactory, s/he must notify the first referee, prior to the next service following the play disputed play, the right to record this disagreement on the scoresheet as an official protest. If the disagreement with the Referee’s explanation involves the last point of the game, the official protest must be recorded within the first 60 seconds of the timed interval between games. If the final point of the match is disputed, the protest must be recorded before the referees leave the playing area.

Rule 7.1.1 Commentary – Playoff game

Rule 7.1.1 Commentary clarifies that a playoff game may be played to either 15 or 25 points as specified in the guidelines of the tournament.

[Commentary text].  7.1.1  A playoff game is considered a match and only one game will be played. The match is won by the team that scores either 15 or 25 points (as specified in the tournament guidelines) with a two point advantage. Teams change sides when one team has scored eight (8) or 13 points respectively.  

Rule 8.1.2 The First Referee will release the teams to their respective benches prior to the coin toss for the deciding game.

[Rule text].  8.1.2  If a deciding game is necessary, the First Referee will release the teams to their benches and then conduct, or designate the Second Referee to conduct another coin toss [Rule 8.1.1].

Rule 9.1.1 A Libero’s number may be recorded on the line-up sheet for each game. Failure to list the Libero’s number on the line-up sheet for a game precludes the use of a Libero for that game.

[Rule text].  9.1.1  A team may list one (1) specialized defensive player, "Libero", on the line-up sheet for each game, along with the numbers of the six starting regular players.  If a Libero is not designated on the line-up sheet for a game, the team may not use a Libero in that game. [Rules 11.2.1 and 11.3]

Rule 11.2.1 The Libero is now an integral part of the Game and is no longer an option.  Libero replacements are unlimited. Therefore, the maximum number of substitutions permitted per team has been changed to twelve (12). There are no other options for Limitations of Substitutions.

[Rule text].  11.2.1  Twelve (12) substitutions are the maximum permitted per team per game.  Substitution of one or more players is permitted at the same time.  

Rule 11.2.2 Deleted.

Rule 11.2.2 Commentary.  Changed to 11.2.1 Commentary.

Rule 11.3.1 A different Libero may be designated for each game of a match. If a Libero is designated for a game, the Libero’s number must be listed on the line-up sheet for that game.

[Rule text].  11.3.1  The Libero may be designated for each game. If a Libero is designated for a game, the Libero’s number must be recorded on the line-up sheet for that game.  If a Libero is not listed on the line-up sheet for a game, the team may not use a  Libero in that game. [Rule 9.1.1]

Rule Delete "…(or with a different design)."

[Rule text].  The Libero must wear a different color uniform, shirt or jacket in contrast to the other members of the team.

Rule 15.2 The net serve is now an integral part of the game and is no longer an option.  Delete "except during the service".

[Rule text].  The ball may touch the net while crossing it.

Rule 16.1.3 Commentary: Adjacent court(s).  The language "…or cross the extension of the sideline…" was deleted.

[Rule text].  When competition is scheduled, or is occurring on an adjacent court(s), it is a fault for a player to enter the adjacent court(s) to play a ball or after playing a ball. The free zone, including the service zone, on an adjacent court is a playable area.

Rule 17.9.3 Delete The net serve is now an integral part of the game and is no longer an option.

[Rule text].  After the ball has been correctly hit, the service becomes a fault (unless there is a position fault) if the ball touches the antenna or other external object.

Rule 20.5.2 Teams are allowed to remain on the court during a time-out. Referees may direct teams to move to the free zone near their team bench for administrative purposes.

[Rule text].  20.5.2  During a time-out, the players may remain on the court or go to the free zone near their team bench. Any member of the team listed on the team roster may participate in the time-out. Coaches may not enter the court. Referees may direct teams to move to the free zone near their team bench for administrative purposes. Teams may return to the court when permitted by the referees. 

Rule 23.1.1 The timed interval between games begins when the First Referee executes Signal #13, End of Game.

[Rule text].  23.1.1  Commentary: The Second Referee will start a timer when the First Referee executes Signal #13, End of Game. At two minutes 30 seconds, s/he will whistle for both teams to return to the court in the correct line-up. The line-up for the next game must be submitted by this time [Rule 6.3.2].

Rule 23.2.1 Teams are no longer required to go to the end line before changing playing areas and benches.

[Rule text].  23.2.1  After each game of a match, except when a deciding game is required, the teams will immediately change playing areas and benches. The players move to their right until they reach their new bench area with the team on the left passing the first referee and then proceeding directly to the bench. [Signal #29].   

Rule 23.2.2  In the deciding game, when either team reaches eight (8) points, both teams change playing courts without delay [Signal 29], and the player positions remain the same. If the change is not made at the proper time, it will take place as soon as the error is noticed. The score at the time the change is made remains the same.

Rule 26.2.3 [See Rule]

[Rule text].  26.2.3  …. The captain must indicate disagreement with the explanation and reserve the right to submit an official protest about the incident prior to the next service after the disputed play. The first referee must honor this request [, 6.2.3, 6.2.5 

[Commentary]. If the disagreement with the Referee’s explanation involves the last point of the game, the official protest must be recorded within the first 60 seconds of the timed interval between games. If the final point of the match is disputed, the protest must be recorded before the referees leave the playing area.



Rule 1.1.1 A team may list one (1) specialized defensive player, "Libero", on the line-up sheet for each game, along with the numbers of the six starting regular players.  If a Libero is not designated on the line-up sheet for a game, the team may not use a Libero in that game.

Rule Alternating male and female service order must be maintained. A female Libero may only replace regular female players. A male Libero may only replace regular male players. All other Libero rules and restrictions apply.

Rule Clarifications

Rule 2.4.2 REVERSE COED PLAY.  The rule was corrected by deleting the reference to "back-row". The corrected Rule is in effect for 2000-2001.

Editorial Changes

Rule 2.4 Commentary.  The asterisks have been deleted.  55 years and above – MALE / MIXED SIX height corrected to read 7’ 9 5/8"

Rule Exceptional Substitution.  The phrase "by the starter or a substitute who has played…" was corrected.

Rule 11.5 Substitution for Expulsion.  The Rule reference was corrected to read [Rule 7.4.3].

Rule 14.5.5 Exceptional Game Interruptions – Accident / Injury.  The rule was changed to indicate the correct handle signal [Signal 4].

Rule 22.1.2 Exceptional Game Interruptions – Accident / Injury.  The Rule reference was corrected to read [Rule 7.4.3, 9.2.2,, 11.4].

Diagram 3a Design of the Net.  The distance from the sideline to the pole was corrected to read 1 meter.

Diagram 8 COMPLETED BLOCK.  Diagram 8 was inadvertently omitted in the previous year’s rulebook and has been included.

Diagram 9 DELAY SANCTION SCALE – Card(s).  The hand signal for the first, second and subsequent occurrences (in a game) was corrected [Signal 26].


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